Match the country with it's type of economy

Command economy. Mixed economy

South Korea
North Korea

China - Command economy

South Korea - Mixed economy
North Korea - Command economy
Japan - Mixed economy

China - Mixed economy

South Korea - Mixed economy
North Korea - Command economy
Japan - Mixed economy

To match the countries with their types of economy, we need to understand the characteristics of a command economy and a mixed economy.

1. Command economy: In a command economy, the government controls all aspects of economic production and distribution. Prices, wages, and resource allocation are determined by the government rather than the market forces.

2. Mixed economy: A mixed economy combines elements of both a command economy and a market economy. In this type of economy, the government has some degree of control over certain industries and resources, but there is also a free market where private entities can operate and make economic decisions.

Now, let's match the countries with their types of economy:

1. China: Command economy. China operates under a system commonly known as "socialism with Chinese characteristics," where the government plays a significant role in controlling the economy, including state-owned enterprises and central planning.

2. South Korea: Mixed economy. South Korea has a market-oriented economy with strong government involvement in certain sectors, such as heavy industries and strategic sectors, but also allows for private enterprise and market forces to drive economic growth.

3. North Korea: Command economy. North Korea is a centralized command economy that is heavily controlled by the government. It is known for its strict state control over resources, pricing, and economic activity.

4. Japan: Mixed economy. Japan has a mixed economy with a strong market orientation. The government plays a critical role in regulating certain industries, providing support for sectors like technology, and implementing economic policies to maintain stability.

In summary:
- China has a command economy.
- South Korea has a mixed economy.
- North Korea has a command economy.
- Japan has a mixed economy.