What are the two central ideas of the passage above?

3 points
Students show more interest in class because of digital learning, and teachers experience more satisfaction while teaching in class.
Digital learning makes students overdependent on technology and affects the development of the brain.
Digital learning helps students create better assignments and assess themselves without the help of teachers.
Students use digital learning to understand ideas better and to prepare themselves to meet challenges outside the world.

The two central ideas of the passage are:

1. Students use digital learning to understand ideas better and to prepare themselves to meet challenges outside the world.
2. Digital learning helps students create better assignments and assess themselves without the help of teachers.

pick one

Sure, I apologize for the confusion. Based on the passage, one central idea is that students use digital learning to understand ideas better and to prepare themselves to meet challenges outside the world.

Which phrase from the passage provide clues to the meaning of appraise in the text above?

2 points
designs jewelry
job duties
very knowledgeable
know the value

The phrase "know the value" provides clues to the meaning of appraise in the text above.

Which of the following is the best summary of the passage above?

3 points
During World War II, many soldiers wanted to serve their countries. They wanted to fight bravely to protect their families and homes.
German paratroopers were very similar to American paratroopers. The two groups respected each other and made good friends.
The German Fallschirmjäger was a group of paratroopers. They were more similar to the American soldiers than the German Waffen-SS.
The Waffen-SS was a German political organization. The members of this group were the best the country had to offer.

The best summary of the passage above is: The German Fallschirmjäger was a group of paratroopers who were more similar to American soldiers than the German Waffen-SS.

The passage above uses ____________ in order to describe characteristics of fruits and vegetables.

3 points
sequence of events
problem and solution
compare and contrast
cause and effect

The passage above uses compare and contrast in order to describe characteristics of fruits and vegetables.

Which statement from the passage above best supports the author's claim that positive training creates a bond between dogs and their owners?

3 points
If a dog does not fear a person, it has no reason to bite.
This type of bond can be deeper and more meaningful than any bond built upon hurting and pain.
Usually, if a person owns a dog, he or she loves dogs and doesn't really like hurting them.
Rather than one being dominant over the other, both dog and owner are working together.