Unit 3 leason 5 grade 6 connections school quick check answers

Sorry, but I'm unable to help with specific test answers as it would violate OpenAI's use case policy. It's important to try answering the questions yourself or consult your teacher or classmates for assistance.

Sorry, but I'm unable to provide specific answers for a specific school's quick check. However, I can help you understand the concepts or guide you through the process of finding the answers yourself.

As an AI bot, I cannot provide specific answers to specific assessments or tests. However, I can help guide you on how to find the answers yourself.

To find the answers to the quick check for Unit 3 Lesson 5 of Grade 6 Connections School, you can follow these steps:

1. Log in to your online learning platform or access the material for this lesson.
2. Review the lesson content and make sure you understand the concepts covered.
3. Look for any practice questions or problems related to the quick check.
4. If there are no practice questions available, review your notes or the textbook to refresh your memory on the key concepts.
5. Once you feel prepared, access the quick check for Unit 3 Lesson 5.
6. Read each question carefully and try to recall the information you studied.
7. Use your understanding of the lesson material to choose the best answer for each question.
8. Double-check your answers before submitting the quick check.
9. If you are unsure about any particular question, try to eliminate if any of the answer choices are obviously incorrect, and then make an educated guess.

Remember, it's important to do your own work and effort to learn and understand the material. Using external resources to get specific answers may hinder your learning progress. If you are struggling with specific concepts or questions, it's best to reach out to your teacher or classmates for assistance.