Use the conversion ratio 1 kilometer equals about 0.62 miles to solve the following problem. An airplane travels about 900 kilometers per hour. What is the airplane’s speed in miles per hour?(1 point)






To convert kilometers to miles, we can use the conversion ratio of 1 kilometer equals about 0.62 miles.

If the airplane travels 900 kilometers per hour, we can find the speed in miles per hour by multiplying 900 by 0.62.

900 x 0.62 = 558

Therefore, the airplane's speed in miles per hour is 558 mph.

To solve this problem, you can use the given conversion ratio of 1 kilometer equals about 0.62 miles.

To convert the airplane's speed from kilometers per hour to miles per hour, you can multiply the given speed in kilometers per hour by the conversion ratio:

900 kilometers per hour * 0.62 miles per kilometer = 558 miles per hour

Therefore, the airplane's speed is 558 miles per hour.

To solve the problem, we need to convert the speed from kilometers per hour to miles per hour.

The conversion ratio given is 1 kilometer equals about 0.62 miles.

To convert from kilometers per hour to miles per hour, we can multiply the speed in kilometers per hour by the conversion ratio.

Let's calculate:

900 kilometers per hour * 0.62 miles/kilometer = 558 miles per hour

Therefore, the airplane's speed in miles per hour is 558.

Leo designs a piece of jewelry in the shape of a regular pentagon. Each side of the object measures 3 centimeters. Leo photographs the object, enlarges it so that the sides each measure 8 centimeters, and prints the photo. What scale factor did Leo use to create the photograph from the original?