On May 6, 2011, the San Francisco Giants baseball team threw a giant birthday party. Baseball legend Willie Mays turned 80. Fans call Mays the "Say Hey Kid." He spent most of his 22-year career with the Giants. Many people think that he is the best center fielder ever. Everyone ate birthday cake. Then, Mays spent time in the clubhouse. He shared baseball memories. The current players love him. "I'm just so happy," Mays told everyone.

Do It!

The party was a(n) _________.

Press enter to interact with the item, and press tab button or down arrow until reaching the Submit button once the item is selected
A dream
B surprise
C honor
D excuse

C honor

C honor

To determine the answer to the question, "The party was a(n) _________," we need to understand the given information in the passage. The passage states that the San Francisco Giants baseball team threw a birthday party for Willie Mays, who turned 80. It also mentions that Mays spent time in the clubhouse, shared baseball memories, and that the current players love him. Based on this information, we can eliminate options A and D ("A dream" and "Excuse") as they do not accurately describe the party.

Option B, "Surprise," is not mentioned in the passage, so it cannot be confirmed as the answer.

Option C, "Honor," aligns well with the fact that the team threw a birthday party for Willie Mays, a baseball legend, and many people think he is the best center fielder ever. The passage also emphasizes that Mays spent time with the current players, and Mays himself expressed happiness about the celebration. Therefore, the answer is C) honor.

To select the correct answer, press the letter C.