Opals come in diffrent sizes of colors and they range from opague to transparnt the most desirableopals are known as the precious opals they have a special inridescent quality as you moce the opal under light is show a spectrum of colors. Which words provied the bst context clue for the meaning of iridescent

The word "spectrum of colors" provides the best context clue for the meaning of iridescent.

The words "special iridescent quality" provide the best context clue for the meaning of iridescent.

The word "iridescent" describes the quality of something showing various colors or hues that change depending on the angle of light or movement. To understand the meaning of "iridescent" based on the given information, we can look for words or phrases that provide context clues. In this case, the phrase "as you move the opal under light" is the best context clue. It indicates that the opal exhibits a spectrum of colors when it is moved under light. Therefore, the context clue for the meaning of "iridescent" is "show a spectrum of colors."