Benjamin made a aqful face when he sniffed the milk in the jug. "This is difintiely expired" he clamied

, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "I wouldn't dare drink this."

Here are the steps to determine if milk is expired:

1. Check the expiration date: Look for the date printed on the jug or carton of milk. This is usually located near the top or bottom of the container. If the date has passed, there's a good chance the milk is expired.

2. Look for signs of spoilage: Even if the expiration date hasn't passed, you can still check for signs that the milk is no longer good to consume. Some common signs of spoilt milk include a sour or off odor, curdled appearance, or unusual texture.

3. Perform a smell test: Open the jug or carton and take a sniff. If the milk smells sour, funky, or generally unpleasant, it is likely spoiled and should not be consumed.

4. Observe the consistency: Pour a small amount of milk into a glass and check the texture. If it appears clumpy, lumpy, or has chunks, it is spoiled.

5. Do a taste test (optional): If you're unsure after going through the previous steps, you can take a small sip to determine if the milk tastes sour or off. However, be aware that consuming spoiled milk can lead to food poisoning, so proceed with caution.

Based on Benjamin's reaction and claim that the milk is definitely expired, it seems likely that he detected some or all of the aforementioned signs indicating that the milk has indeed gone bad.

To determine if the milk in the jug is expired, Benjamin relied on his sense of smell. The smell of spoiled milk is usually a clear indicator that it has gone bad.

To explain why milk spoils, it is important to know that milk is a nutrient-rich liquid that serves as an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. When milk is not properly stored or kept at the correct temperature, bacteria can grow and multiply rapidly. As a result, the milk goes through a process called spoilage. The bacteria break down the milk's protein and fat, producing compounds with unpleasant odors and flavors.

In this scenario, Benjamin detected a foul smell, suggesting that the milk had likely spoiled. Expired milk often has a distinct sour or rotten odor. It is essential to note that expiration dates are put on milk cartons or jugs to indicate the date until which the milk is considered safe to consume. However, each individual's tolerance for spoiled milk may vary, and it is always best to rely on your senses to determine its freshness.