what is the definition of legal

Legal refers to something that is in accordance with the law or the rules and regulations of a particular jurisdiction. It means being authorized, permissible, or within the boundaries of what is allowed by law.

Definition of Legal:

Legal refers to something that is permitted or authorized by law. It is related to the system of laws and regulations that govern society, ensuring order, fairness, and justice. In simple terms, legal actions or decisions are lawful and in accordance with the established rules and principles of the legal system.

The term "legal" refers to something that is allowed or permitted by law. It relates to rules and regulations that are established by governing authorities in a society or jurisdiction. In order to find the definition of "legal," you can follow these steps:

1. Use a reliable dictionary: Consult a reputable dictionary, either in print or online, to find the exact definition of the term "legal." Good options include Merriam-Webster, Oxford English Dictionary, or Cambridge Dictionary.

2. Search online: If you prefer an online search, you can use a search engine like Google or Bing and type "definition of legal" in the search bar. This will provide you with various sources that define the term.

3. Check legal references: Legal reference sources like Black's Law Dictionary or Cornell Law School's Legal Information Institute provide thorough definitions of legal terms. These sources are specifically focused on legal terminology and can offer more detailed explanations.

Remember to critically evaluate the source you use, ensuring that it is reputable and reliable.