Where is the part of speech located in a dictionary entry?

after the pronunciation

in the numbered definitions that follow the entry word

before the entry word

in parentheses after the entry word

The part of speech is located in parentheses after the entry word.

The part of speech is typically located in parentheses after the entry word in a dictionary entry.

The part of speech in a dictionary entry is typically found after the pronunciation and before the entry word. It is usually indicated by a label or abbreviation, such as "n" for noun, "v" for verb, "adj" for adjective, and so on. It helps to identify the grammatical category or function of the word in question.

For example, in the entry for the word "cat," the part of speech might be listed as "n" to indicate that it is a noun. In this case, the dictionary entry might look like this:

cat [kat] (n)
1. A small domesticated carnivorous mammal...
2. Slang term for a person...
3. A piece of heavy equipment used in construction...

The numbered definitions that follow the entry word further provide the meanings, usages, and definitions associated with that particular part of speech.