Select the decimal that is equivalent to 19/27

The decimal equivalent of 19/27 is approximately 0.7037.

To convert the fraction 19/27 into a decimal, you can divide 19 by 27. The result is approximately 0.7037037037. Therefore, the decimal equivalent of 19/27 is approximately 0.704.

To find the decimal equivalent of a fraction, you need to divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number). In this case, you want to find the decimal that is equivalent to 19/27.

So, you can calculate 19 divided by 27 using a calculator or by performing long division. Let's do it step by step using long division:

27 | 19.000000
- 27
- 189

Now, you have a remainder of 10. To get the decimal part, you can add a decimal point and add zeroes after it, then continue the division:

27 | 190.000000
- 189
- 81

You now have a remainder of 19. At this point, you can either stop or continue the division to get more decimal places. Since we see that the remainder repeats (19), this means the decimal representation is a repeating decimal.

Therefore, the decimal equivalent of 19/27 is 0.703703... (or 0.7 with a bar on top of the 03).