Select the decimal that is equivalent to 57/220

The decimal equivalent of 57/220 is 0.2590909090909091.

To find the decimal equivalent of a fraction, divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number).

In this case, divide 57 by 220:

57 ÷ 220 ≈ 0.259090909...

Therefore, the decimal equivalent of 57/220 is approximately 0.2591.

To find the decimal equivalent of a fraction, you divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number). In this case, we need to find the decimal equivalent of the fraction 57/220.

To do this, divide 57 by 220:
57 ÷ 220 = 0.25909 (rounded to five decimal places).

So, the decimal equivalent of the fraction 57/220 is approximately 0.25909.