Column A

Column B
a.atoms of the same element with differing numbers of neutrons
b.when a substance spontaneously emits radiation atom with an unstable nucleus
d.Rays and particles emitted by radioactive materials

Column A

1. Radioactivity: b.when a substance spontaneously emits radiation
2. Radioisotope: atom with an unstable nucleus
3. Isotope: a.atoms of the same element with differing numbers of neutrons
4. Radiation: d.Rays and particles emitted by radioactive materials

To match the terms in Column A with their corresponding definitions in Column B, we can arrange them as follows:

1. Radioactivity: b. when a substance spontaneously emits radiation
- Radioactivity refers to the process of a substance spontaneously emitting radiation.

2. Radioisotope: c. an atom with an unstable nucleus
- A radioisotope is an atom with an unstable nucleus, which tends to undergo radioactive decay.

3. Isotope: a. atoms of the same element with differing numbers of neutrons
- Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons. They have the same atomic number but different mass numbers.

4. Radiation: d. Rays and particles emitted by radioactive materials
- Radiation refers to the rays and particles emitted by radioactive materials, which can have various types such as alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, etc.

So, the correct match between the terms in Column A and their corresponding definitions in Column B is:

1. Radioactivity: b. when a substance spontaneously emits radiation
2. Radioisotope: c. an atom with an unstable nucleus
3. Isotope: a. atoms of the same element with differing numbers of neutrons
4. Radiation: d. Rays and particles emitted by radioactive materials

In Column A, the terms mentioned are: Radioactivity, Radioisotope, Isotope, and Radiation. In Column B, the corresponding definitions are given as choices. To match each term in Column A with its correct definition in Column B, you can analyze the meanings of the words and their related concepts:

1. Radioactivity: This term refers to the phenomenon of certain substances spontaneously emitting radiation. Looking at the options in Column B, the definition that matches this concept is "b. when a substance spontaneously emits radiation."

2. Radioisotope: A radioisotope is an atom with an unstable nucleus. From the options in Column B, the definition that aligns with this concept is "c. an atom with an unstable nucleus."

3. Isotope: Isotopes are atoms of the same element with differing numbers of neutrons. Considering the choices in Column B, the definition matching this concept is "a. atoms of the same element with differing numbers of neutrons."

4. Radiation: This term refers to rays and particles emitted by radioactive materials. Among the options in Column B, the definition corresponding to this concept is "d. rays and particles emitted by radioactive materials."

By analyzing the meanings of the terms and their associated concepts, you can match each term in Column A with its correct definition in Column B.