Which document addressed colonial concerns about English policies?(1 point)


Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Independence

Magna Carta
Magna Carta

Mayflower Compact
Mayflower Compact

Bill of Rights
Bill of Rights

The document that addressed colonial concerns about English policies is the Declaration of Independence.

The document that addressed colonial concerns about English policies is the Declaration of Independence.

The document that addressed colonial concerns about English policies is the Declaration of Independence.

To find the answer, you would need to be familiar with American history and the events leading up to the American Revolution. The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776 by Thomas Jefferson and expressed the grievances and concerns of the American colonies toward King George III and the British government. It listed numerous complaints about English policies, including taxation without representation and a lack of respect for the colonists' rights.

The Magna Carta is an important historical document that was issued in 1215 in England, and while it established principles of liberty and limited government, it was not directly related to colonial concerns about English policies.

The Mayflower Compact was a document agreed upon by the Pilgrims who arrived on the Mayflower in 1620. It established a form of self-government for the Plymouth Colony but did not specifically address concerns about English policies.

The Bill of Rights refers to the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which were ratified in 1791. While these amendments outline various rights and protections for U.S. citizens, they were created after the Declaration of Independence and were not a direct response to colonial concerns about English policies.