a company makes jet aircraft in the united states and sells the planes to airlines in europe africa and asia. this is an example of which kind of activity

transporting goods

This activity is an example of exporting.

This example represents the activity of exporting.

The activity described in the scenario is an example of exporting.

To understand why it is exporting, let's go over the definitions of the given options:

1. Exporting: Exporting refers to selling goods or services produced in one country to buyers located in another country. In this scenario, the company is manufacturing jet aircraft in the United States and selling them to airlines in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Hence, it falls under the category of exporting.

2. Transporting goods: While transportation is involved in the process, it only represents a part of the entire activity. The main focus of the scenario is on the sale of the aircraft to international airlines, making exporting a more suitable classification.

3. Importing: Importing refers to the act of bringing goods or services into a country from another country. Since the scenario describes the company selling their aircraft to airlines outside the United States, it does not involve importing.

4. Retailing: Retailing involves the sale of goods or services directly to consumers. Although the company in the scenario is selling aircraft, it is not selling them directly to consumers but to airlines. Therefore, retailing would not be the most appropriate classification for this activity.

In conclusion, the activity described in the scenario, where a company manufactures jet aircraft in the United States and sells them to airlines in Europe, Africa, and Asia, is an example of exporting.