When you hold a textbook and a pencil, why does the textbook feel heavier than the pencil?(1 point)


The textbook has less mass than the pencil.
The textbook has less mass than the pencil.

Your hand repels the textbook with less force.
Your hand repels the textbook with less force.

You can grip the pencil with more strength.
You can grip the pencil with more strength.

The textbook has a stronger attraction to Earth.

The textbook has a stronger attraction to Earth.

The textbook has more mass than the pencil.

The correct answer is: The textbook has more mass than the pencil.

When you hold an object, the sensation of weight is determined by its mass. Mass refers to the amount of matter in an object. In this case, the textbook has a greater amount of matter, or mass, compared to the pencil. Therefore, the textbook feels heavier because it contains more mass.

To determine the mass of an object, you can use a balance or a scale. Place the textbook and the pencil separately on the scale and compare the readings. You will notice that the textbook will show a higher value, indicating that it has more mass.

It is important to note that the force of gravity acting on the objects is the same. The weight of an object is determined by the force of gravity pulling on it, which is the same for both the textbook and the pencil. However, the sensation of weight is ultimately determined by the mass of the object.