Your company wants to tender for building a local school. Your team was approached informally

and was told the only way to get the tender is through bribery. Your company is built on ethical
principles. The following questions should be used as a guideline.
a) Discuss among your team whether bribery is an ethical business principle.
b) How will you deal with this situation?
c) Incorporate your company code of ethics in your final decision.

a) Discuss among your team whether bribery is an ethical business principle.

Our team should have an open and honest discussion about bribery as an ethical business principle. We need to evaluate the consequences and implications of engaging in such practices. Bribery involves offering money or gifts to influence someone's actions or decisions. It not only undermines fair competition but also promotes corruption and unfairness. We should consider our company's values, the laws and regulations in our jurisdiction, and the long-term sustainability of our business before making a decision.

b) How will you deal with this situation?
First and foremost, we need to reject any proposal related to bribery. Engaging in corrupt practices goes against our company's ethical standards and core principles. Instead, we should focus on presenting the strengths and capabilities of our company, emphasizing our expertise, quality, and the value we can provide for the local school project.

We can also consider reporting this informal approach to the appropriate authorities. By doing so, we can contribute to the eradication of corruption and ensure that the tendering process remains fair and transparent for all parties involved.

Additionally, we should explore alternative strategies to improve our chances of securing the tender. This could involve building strong relationships with the local community, presenting innovative and sustainable solutions, highlighting our track record of successful projects, and offering a competitive price.

c) Incorporate your company code of ethics in your final decision.
Our company's code of ethics states that we conduct our business with integrity, honesty, and transparency. We value fair competition, respect ethical and legal standards, and prioritize the well-being and satisfaction of our clients and communities. Engaging in bribery would not only contradict our code of ethics but could also lead to severe reputational damage and legal repercussions.

We must respect the integrity of the tender process and compete on our merits, skills, and experience. By adhering to our code of ethics, we can uphold our company's values and build a sustainable and reputable business that contributes positively to the local community.

a) Discuss among your team whether bribery is an ethical business principle.

When faced with the dilemma of bribery in business, it is important to have a thorough discussion within the team to consider the ethical implications. Start by exploring the company's values and ethical principles, which should serve as a guiding framework. Discuss the various perspectives and arguments surrounding bribery, considering both the short-term gain and long-term consequences. Engage in an open and unbiased debate, allowing team members to share their thoughts and viewpoints.

b) How will you deal with this situation?

To deal with the situation, it is crucial to prioritize adherence to ethical principles. Take the following steps:

1. Confirm the facts: Gather as much information as possible about the bribe request. Verify the authenticity of the claim and understand the potential consequences of refusing or accepting it.

2. Seek legal advice: Consult with legal experts or internal legal counsel to understand the legal implications and consequences of bribery.

3. Communicate clearly: Ensure open and honest communication within the team. Discuss the potential risks associated with accepting the bribe and the potential damage it could cause to the company's reputation.

4. Report the incident: If bribery is confirmed and justifiable evidence exists, report the incident to the appropriate legal authorities or regulatory bodies. Cooperate fully with the investigation.

5. Explore alternative options: Consider alternative routes to win the tender that align with ethical business practices, such as highlighting the company's expertise, track record, and competitive pricing.

c) Incorporate your company code of ethics in your final decision.

Incorporating the company's code of ethics is essential when making the final decision. Review the code of ethics and values that the company has established. These policies may contain explicit guidelines about bribery, conflicts of interest, and unethical practices.

Consider the following key points from the code of ethics:

1. Integrity: Upholding the highest standards of honesty, trustworthiness, and transparency.

2. Fair competition: Committing to fair and equal opportunities for all parties involved in business transactions.

3. Legal compliance: Complying with all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to bribery and corruption.

4. Reputation: Protecting the company's reputation as a trusted and ethical business.

5. Long-term sustainability: Considering the long-term consequences of unethical actions on the company, its stakeholders, and the broader community.

By aligning the final decision with the company's code of ethics, it becomes clear that accepting bribery is unacceptable and goes against the principles that the company holds dear.

a) Discuss among your team whether bribery is an ethical business principle:

In ethical business practices, bribery is generally considered unethical. Bribery involves giving or receiving something of value in order to influence someone's decisions or actions. It undermines fair competition, distorts market dynamics, and compromises the integrity of the business environment.

To discuss whether bribery is an ethical business principle, your team can consider the following points:

1. Legal perspective: Discuss the laws and regulations in your country or region regarding bribery. Most jurisdictions have strict laws against bribery, and engaging in such practices can lead to severe penalties.

2. Moral perspective: Analyze the moral implications of bribery. Consider the impact on fairness, honesty, trust, and reputation. Reflect on your company's mission, values, and commitment to acting with integrity.

3. Long-term consequences: Consider the long-term consequences of bribery. It may lead to a loss of trust from stakeholders, damage to reputation, legal consequences, and potential loss of future business opportunities.

b) How will you deal with this situation:

Given that your company is built on ethical principles, it is important to handle this situation ethically. Here are steps you can take:

1. Gather information: Seek more details about the tender process, including official requirements, evaluation criteria, and deadlines. Make sure to have a clear understanding of the process without any assumptions or misinformation.

2. Seek legal advice: Consult with legal experts to understand the legality of the situation and potential consequences of bribery. They can help you navigate the legal framework and provide guidance on the appropriate course of action.

3. Document the incident: Document the informal approach you received regarding bribery, including the conversation details, date, and any evidence you may have. This documentation will be important in case you need to report the incident or defend your actions later.

4. Engage with your team: Discuss the situation openly and transparently with your team. Emphasize the company's commitment to ethical behavior and remind everyone about the potential consequences of engaging in bribery.

5. Consider alternatives: Explore other avenues to win the tender without resorting to bribery. Emphasize your company's strengths, competitive advantages, quality of work, and adherence to ethical practices. Focus on preparing a solid proposal that showcases your company's capabilities.

6. Report the incident: If you believe that the situation warrants further action, consider reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities or regulatory bodies. They can investigate the matter and ensure a fair and ethical tender process for all participants.

c) Incorporate your company code of ethics in your final decision:

Your company's code of ethics should guide your final decision. Consider the following ways to incorporate it:

1. Review the code of ethics: Revisit your company's code of ethics to understand the principles, values, and standards it upholds. Look for specific policies or guidelines related to bribery, corruption, fairness, and integrity.

2. Evaluate the situation against the code of ethics: Assess the situation in light of your company's code of ethics. Determine whether engaging in bribery aligns with the principles, values, and standards outlined in the code.

3. Seek guidance from the code of ethics: Utilize the code of ethics as a reference point to make an informed decision. Consider how your company's ethical principles should guide your actions in this particular scenario.

4. Communicate the decision: Clearly communicate the final decision to your team, explaining the reasons behind it and emphasizing the importance of upholding ethical standards. Reinforce that your company does not tolerate bribery or any unethical practices.

By considering the ethical implications, conducting proper research, engaging with your team, and aligning your decision with your company's code of ethics, you can navigate this situation in an ethical and responsible manner.