What is the percentage by mass of carbon in CO? Give your answer to two significant figures.

Hint: The relative formula mass (M₁) of CO = 28, the A, C = 12 and the A, O = 16.
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The relative formula mass (M₁) of CO = 28

So, the molar mass of CO is 28g/mol.

In CO, there is 1 carbon atom with a relative atomic mass of 12.

Therefore, the mass percentage of carbon in CO can be calculated as follows:

(12 g/mol / 28 g/mol) * 100% ≈ 42.86%

Rounded to two significant figures, the percentage by mass of carbon in CO is 43%.

To calculate the percentage by mass of carbon in CO, we need to find the mass of carbon in CO and divide it by the total mass of CO, then multiply by 100.

1. Calculate the mass of carbon in CO:
The relative formula mass of CO is 28, which means that the total mass of CO is 28 grams.
The atomic mass of carbon (A, C) is 12. Therefore, the mass of carbon in CO is 12 grams.

2. Calculate the percentage by mass of carbon in CO:
Divide the mass of carbon by the total mass of CO:
(12 grams / 28 grams) × 100 = 42.9%

Therefore, the percentage by mass of carbon in CO, to two significant figures, is 43%.

To find the percentage by mass of carbon in CO, we need to determine the mass of carbon in one molecule of CO and then calculate the percentage.

First, let's calculate the molar mass (M) of CO, which is the sum of the atomic masses of carbon (C) and oxygen (O).
M₁ (CO) = M(C) + M(O)

M₁ (CO) = 28 (given)
M(C) = 12 (given)
M(O) = 16 (given)

M₁ (CO) = 12 + 16
M₁ (CO) = 28

Next, we need to calculate the mass of carbon in one molecule of CO. Since the molecular formula of CO indicates that there is only one carbon atom in each molecule, the mass of carbon is equal to the molar mass of CO, which we already calculated.

Mass of carbon = M₁ (CO)
Mass of carbon = 28

Finally, we can calculate the percentage by mass of carbon in CO using the following formula:
% by mass of carbon = (mass of carbon / molar mass of CO) x 100

% by mass of carbon = (28 / 28) x 100
% by mass of carbon = 100%

Therefore, the percentage by mass of carbon in CO is 100%, to two significant figures.