Which of the following describes what it means when subjects and verbs agree

When subjects and verbs agree, it means that the verb used in a sentence matches the number and person of the subject. In other words, a singular subject should be paired with a singular verb, and a plural subject should be paired with a plural verb. This ensures grammatical correctness and clarity in sentence structure.

When subjects and verbs agree, it means that they match each other in terms of their number (singular or plural). In English grammar, this means that a singular subject should be paired with a singular verb, and a plural subject should be paired with a plural verb. This agreement ensures clarity and grammatical correctness in sentences.

When subjects and verbs agree, it means that they are in line with each other in terms of their number (singular or plural). In English grammar, a subject refers to the person, place, thing, or idea that the sentence is about, while the verb indicates the action or state of being of the subject. To ensure subject-verb agreement, you need to make sure that the subject and the verb match in number.

Here are a few examples to illustrate subject-verb agreement:

1. Singular subjects: A singular subject, such as "dog" or "student," requires a singular verb. For example:
- The dog barks at the mailman.
- The student studies for exams.

2. Plural subjects: Plural subjects, like "dogs" or "students," should be paired with a plural verb. For example:
- The dogs bark at the mailman.
- The students study for exams.

3. Singular and plural subjects together: When a sentence has both singular and plural subjects connected by "and," the verb should agree with the closest subject. For example:
- The dog and cats chase the ball. (plural subject)
- The cats and dog chases the ball. (singular subject)

It is important to be mindful of subject-verb agreement to ensure clarity and grammatical correctness in your writing. To identify if the subjects and verbs agree, you should determine the number (singular or plural) of the subject and choose a verb that matches that number.