Mark set a goal to average 18 sales per day at his new job to impress his new boss. His sales for the past 6 days are 14, 20, 22, 12, 16, and 20. How many sales does Marcus need on the seventh day to meet his goal?

To find the average sales per day, we need to add up all the sales and divide by the number of days: 14 + 20 + 22 + 12 + 16 + 20 = <<14+20+22+12+16+20=104>>104

There are 6 days in the given sales. We need to find how much short Mark is from his goal, which is 18 sales per day. Subtract Mark's sales from his goal and multiply by the number of days: (18 - 104 / 6) * 7
(18 - 17.333333333333332) * 7 = <<18-17.333333333333332=0.6666666666666685>>0.6666666666666685 * 7 = <<0.6666666666666685*7=4.6666666666666804>>4.6666666666666804
Mark needs 5 sales on the seventh day. Answer: \boxed{5}.

To find out how many sales Mark needs on the seventh day to meet his goal, we need to calculate the total sales for the first six days and then subtract that from the target average multiplied by the total number of days (7).

Total sales for the first six days = 14 + 20 + 22 + 12 + 16 + 20 = 104

Target average multiplied by total days = 18 sales/day * 7 days = 126

Sales needed on the seventh day = Target average multiplied by total days - Total sales for the first six days
= 126 - 104 = 22

Therefore, Mark needs to achieve 22 sales on the seventh day to meet his goal.

To calculate the number of sales Marcus needs on the seventh day to meet his goal, we need to find the average sales he has made over the past 6 days and compare it to his goal.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of sales Marcus made over the past 6 days:
14 + 20 + 22 + 12 + 16 + 20 = 104

Step 2: Calculate the average number of sales Marcus made over the past 6 days:
104 ÷ 6 = 17.33 (rounded to two decimal places)

Step 3: Compare the average sales to Marcus's goal of 18 sales per day.
Since the average sales are 17.33, it is less than his goal of 18.

Step 4: Calculate the number of sales Marcus needs on the seventh day to meet his goal:
To meet his goal, Marcus needs to make a total of 18 sales per day. He has already made 104 sales over the past 6 days, so the total number of sales he needs over 7 days will be: 18 sales/day × 7 days - 104 sales = 126 - 104 = 22

Therefore, Marcus needs to make 22 sales on the seventh day to meet his goal of averaging 18 sales per day.