Write the number 1.1 x 10^4 in standard form

The number 1.1 x 10^4 in standard form is 11000.

To write the number 1.1 x 10^4 in standard form, we need to multiply 1.1 by 10 raised to the power of 4.

1.1 x 10^4 = 11,000

To write the number 1.1 x 10^4 in standard form, we need to convert it into a number without scientific notation. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Start with the number given in scientific notation: 1.1 x 10^4

Step 2: The base, which is 1.1, remains the same.

Step 3: The exponent, which is 4, tells us how many times we need to multiply the base by 10. 10^4 is equal to 10,000.

Step 4: Now multiply the base (1.1) by 10,000.

1.1 x 10,000 = 11,000

So, the number 1.1 x 10^4 in standard form is 11,000.