A police report is an example of:

(1 point)

Primary Source
Primary Source

Secondary Source
Secondary Source

Print Source
Print Source

Open-ended Source

Secondary Source

A police report is an example of a primary source.

A police report is an example of a primary source.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand what primary and secondary sources are. Primary sources are original documents or first-hand accounts of an event or subject. They are created by someone who directly experienced or witnessed the event. Examples of primary sources include diaries, speeches, letters, photographs, and official records like police reports.

On the other hand, secondary sources are interpretations or analysis of primary sources. They are typically written or created by someone who did not directly witness the event and instead uses primary sources to provide an analysis or perspective. Examples of secondary sources include textbooks, biographies, scholarly articles, and documentaries.

Since a police report is a document created by law enforcement officers who directly observed or were involved in an incident, it falls under the category of a primary source. It contains firsthand information about an event, such as details of the incident, statements from witnesses, and other pertinent information gathered during an investigation.