How was daily life on the farm different from city life in the late 1800s? Choose the best answer

Answer 1A: Farming communities had access to telegraph technology, while cities did not.
Answer 2B: Farming communities had little to no electricity, while cities increasingly depended on it
Answer 3C: Cities had free mail delivery, while farming communities did not

Answer 2B: Farming communities had little to no electricity, while cities increasingly depended on it

The best answer is 2B: Farming communities had little to no electricity, while cities increasingly depended on it.

To determine the best answer, we need to compare daily life on farms and in cities in the late 1800s. Let's break down each option:

Answer 1A: Farming communities had access to telegraph technology, while cities did not.
To evaluate this option, we should verify if it accurately reflects the difference between farm and city life in the late 1800s. The telegraph, invented in the early 19th century, was widely used for communication during this time. While it is plausible that farming communities had access to telegraph technology to communicate with distant towns, it is unlikely that cities didn't have access to telegraphs. Cities had more extensive communication networks, including telegraph offices and well-connected communication infrastructure. Therefore, this answer is not the best choice.

Answer 2B: Farming communities had little to no electricity, while cities increasingly depended on it.
To evaluate this answer, we can consider the state of electricity during the late 1800s. In the late 1800s, electricity was not yet widely available, and its usage was primarily concentrated in urban areas. Therefore, it is plausible that farming communities had little to no electricity, while cities increasingly depended on it. This answer accurately highlights a key difference between farm and city life during that period and is a strong choice.

Answer 3C: Cities had free mail delivery, while farming communities did not.
To evaluate this option, we need to determine if mail delivery services varied between farming communities and cities during the late 1800s. In general, mail delivery services were more accessible in urban areas, where there were established post offices and a denser population. Farming communities typically had to rely on post offices in nearby towns or make infrequent trips to retrieve mail. Therefore, this answer accurately depicts a distinction between farm and city life in terms of mail delivery and is a valid choice.

Based on the evaluation, the best answer is:

Answer 2B: Farming communities had little to no electricity, while cities increasingly depended on it.
This option accurately reflects the difference between daily life on farms and in cities during the late 1800s, highlighting the uneven spread of electricity usage between these two settings.