What was the Pendleton Civil Service Act intended to reform?

Answer 1A: Veterans' Benefits
Answer 2B: Federal Hiring Practices
Answer 3C: State spending policies
Answer 4D: Military Recruitment Policies

Answer 2B: Federal Hiring Practices

Answer 2B: The Pendleton Civil Service Act was intended to reform federal hiring practices.

The correct answer is 2B: Federal Hiring Practices.

To arrive at this answer, you can employ a few strategies. Firstly, you can search for the term "Pendleton Civil Service Act" to get a general understanding of its purpose. By doing so, you can quickly learn that this act was a significant reform aimed at changing something specific within the government.

Next, you could try narrowing down the answer choices by eliminating the options that are unrelated to civil services reform. Options A and D, concerning veterans' benefits and military recruitment policies, respectively, seem less likely to be the intended focus of the Pendleton Civil Service Act.

Option C, state spending policies, also seems unrelated as the act primarily deals with the federal government, rather than state-level policies. By process of elimination, option 2B, federal hiring practices, remains as the most logical choice.