How did the invention of the light bulb and advancements in electrical power play a key role in the growth of American cities in the late 1800s? Choose the best answer

Answer 1A: The artificial lights lit up the night sky, attracting people to the cities
Answer 2B: They allowed factories to produce more, which required more workers to move to the cities.
Answer 3C: They kept economic activity in the cities tied to the number of Daylight hours.
Answer 4D: they solved the problems cities had with getting access to fresh water and proper sanitation.

Answer 2B: They allowed factories to produce more, which required more workers to move to the cities.

The best answer is B: They allowed factories to produce more, which required more workers to move to the cities.

The invention of the light bulb and advancements in electrical power played a key role in the growth of American cities in the late 1800s primarily because they allowed factories to produce more. With the ability to operate during the night, factories were able to increase their production capacity, leading to increased economic activity. This, in turn, attracted more people to the cities in search of employment opportunities.

The best answer to how the invention of the light bulb and advancements in electrical power played a key role in the growth of American cities in the late 1800s is Answer 2B: They allowed factories to produce more, which required more workers to move to the cities.


The invention of the light bulb and the development of electrical power systems had a profound impact on the growth of American cities in the late 1800s. Here's how you can understand the connection:

1. Light bulbs provided artificial lighting that extended the hours of productivity and increased economic activity in cities. Prior to this, cities were limited by daylight hours, but with electric lighting, factories could operate at night, leading to increased production.

2. The increased production capacity of factories resulted in a higher demand for workers. As factories expanded their operations with electrical power, they required more labor, which attracted people from rural areas to move to cities in search of job opportunities.

3. This influx of workers led to a significant increase in urban population. As more people relocated to cities, the population density and size of urban areas grew rapidly.

4. The growth of factories and industries, powered by electricity, not only created job opportunities but also spurred the development of related services and infrastructure. For example, the need for housing, transportation, and urban facilities such as schools, hospitals, and retail stores increased alongside industrial expansion.

In summary, the invention of the light bulb and advancements in electrical power enabled factories to operate for longer hours, resulting in increased production. This, in turn, created a demand for more workers, attracting people to cities and fueling the growth of American urban centers in the late 1800s.