Which answer could be the result of two complex conjugates being multiplied together?

9 - 9i



25 + 4i

25 + 4i

The correct answer could be 25 + 4i.

The result of multiplying two complex conjugates together is always a real number. In this case, the complex conjugates are 9 + 9i and 9 - 9i.

To find the answer, we can multiply the two complex conjugates together:

(9 + 9i)(9 - 9i)

When we multiply these expressions using the distributive property, we get:

(9 * 9) + (9 * -9i) + (9i * 9) + (9i * -9i)

Simplifying this expression, we have:

81 - 81i + 81i - 81i^2

Now, if we recall that i^2 is equal to -1, we can replace i^2 with -1:

81 - 81i + 81i - 81(-1)

Simplifying further:

81 - 81i + 81i + 81

Combining like terms, we find:


Therefore, the answer is 162.