A subscription to Time magazine is $24.97 for one year, $45.94 for two years, or $74.91 for three years. Which plan is least expensive if you want the subscription per year? Solve this problem using unit price.(1 point)


$45.94 for two years
$45.94 for two years

$74.91 for three years
$74.91 for three years

$24.97 for one year
$24.97 for one year

The plans are the same price for two years.
The plans are the same price for two years.

To find the least expensive plan per year using unit price, you need to divide the cost of each plan by the number of years it covers. Here are the unit prices for each plan:

- Plan 1 (one year): $24.97/1 = $24.97 per year
- Plan 2 (two years): $45.94/2 = $22.97 per year
- Plan 3 (three years): $74.91/3 = $24.97 per year

Based on the unit prices, the least expensive plan per year is Plan 2, which costs $22.97 per year.

A business is ordering copy paper. At one company, a box with 10 reams of paper costs $56. At another company, a box with 8 reams of paper costs $36. What is the unit price for each ream? (1 point)


$5.60/ream and $4.50/ream
$5.60/ream and $4.50/ream

5.60 reams/$1.00 and 4.50 reams/$1.00
5.60 reams/$1.00 and 4.50 reams/$1.00

0.18/ream/$1.00 and 0.22 ream/$1.00
0.18/ream/$1.00 and 0.22 ream/$1.00

$0.18/ream and $0.22/ream

To find the unit price for each ream, you need to divide the cost of each box by the number of reams it contains. Here are the unit prices for each company:

- Company 1 (box with 10 reams): $56/10 = $5.60 per ream
- Company 2 (box with 8 reams): $36/8 = $4.50 per ream

Therefore, the unit price for each ream is $5.60/ream and $4.50/ream.

check again

Apologies for the mistake. Let's calculate the correct unit prices:

- Company 1 (box with 10 reams): $56/10 = $5.60 per ream
- Company 2 (box with 8 reams): $36/8 = $4.50 per ream

So, the correct unit prices are $5.60/ream and $4.50/ream.

r u sure?

Apologies for the confusion. Let's recheck the calculations:

- Company 1 (box with 10 reams): $56/10 = $5.60 per ream
- Company 2 (box with 8 reams): $36/8 = $4.50 per ream

Based on the calculations, the correct unit prices are $5.60/ream and $4.50/ream.


A subscription to Time magazine is $24.97 for one year, $45.94 for two years, or $74.91 for three years. Which plan is least expensive if you want the subscription per year? Solve this problem using unit price.(1 point)
$45.94 for two years
$45.94 for two years
$24.97 for one year
$24.97 for one year
$74.91 for three years
$74.91 for three years
The plans are the same price for two years.

To solve this problem using unit price, we need to divide the cost of each plan by the number of years it covers. Here are the unit prices for each plan:

- Plan 1 (one year): $24.97/1 = $24.97 per year
- Plan 2 (two years): $45.94/2 = $22.97 per year
- Plan 3 (three years): $74.91/3 = $24.97 per year

Based on the unit prices, the least expensive plan per year is Plan 2, which costs $22.97 per year.

Mrs. Hara wants to purchase blue light blocking glasses for her family. Company 1 sells the glasses for $40 each, and Company 2 sells the same glasses at 4 for $140. How much will Mrs. Hara save, per pair of glasses, if she uses Company 2?(1 point)
