What is the square root of 57

The square root of 57 is approximately 7.55.

To find the square root of 57, let's follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by making an initial estimate. In this case, let's estimate that the square root of 57 is approximately 7.

Step 2: Square the estimate. 7 * 7 = 49.

Step 3: Compare the square of the estimate to the original number. 49 is less than 57.

Step 4: Increase the estimate by a small amount. Let's increase 7 by 0.1 to get an estimate of 7.1.

Step 5: Square the updated estimate to get 7.1 * 7.1 = 50.41.

Step 6: Compare the square of the updated estimate to the original number. 50.41 is less than 57.

Step 7: Repeat steps 4-6, increasing the estimate and comparing the square to the original number, until the square is larger than or equal to 57.

Using this method, we can find that the square root of 57 is approximately 7.55.

Note: The square root of 57 is an irrational number and cannot be expressed as a simple fraction or decimal value. The approximation provided here is rounded to two decimal places.

To find the square root of 57, we can use a calculator or methodically estimate the answer.

If you're using a calculator, simply type in the number 57 and then press the square root (√) button. The result will be approximately 7.55.

If you want to estimate the square root manually, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with an initial guess for the square root of 57, such as 7.
2. Divide 57 by the guess (7). The result is approximately 8.14.
3. Average the guess (7) and the result (8.14) to get a better approximation: (7 + 8.14) / 2 ≈ 7.57.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 by using the new approximation as the guess until you reach a desired level of accuracy or until the approximate answer stops changing significantly.

By repeating these steps a few more times, you'll find that the square root of 57 is approximately 7.55.