what are the prepositional phrases in the sentence: Without sugar, the blueberries were too sour for the dinner guests. (2)

1) Without sugar

2) for the dinner guests

The prepositional phrases in the sentence are:

1. "Without sugar"
2. "for the dinner guests"

To determine the prepositional phrases in a sentence, you need to identify the prepositions and the noun phrases that follow them. In the given sentence, there are two prepositional phrases:

1. "Without sugar" - The preposition "without" shows the absence of something, in this case, sugar. The noun phrase "sugar" follows the preposition, creating the first prepositional phrase.

2. "for the dinner guests" - The preposition "for" indicates the recipients or beneficiaries of something, in this case, the dinner guests. The noun phrase "the dinner guests" follows the preposition and forms the second prepositional phrase.

Please note that prepositional phrases generally consist of a preposition, followed by a noun phrase or pronoun.