To create an image that is not harmonious, an artist could:

A. change the proportions of the facial features so they no longer worked together.

B. use a shading technique that would cause the highlights and shadows to blend seamlessly.

C. change all organic shapes to geometric shapes to create a cubist portrait.

D. use patterns of color in the background to emphasize light showing through the leaves.

A. change the proportions of the facial features so they no longer worked together.

Option A is the correct answer. By changing the proportions of the facial features, an artist can create an image that is not harmonious. The viewer's expectation of symmetrical and balanced features is disrupted, creating a discordant and unsettling effect.

To create an image that is not harmonious, an artist could:

A. change the proportions of the facial features so they no longer worked together.

Changing the proportions of facial features can disrupt the harmony of a composition. Altering the balance and symmetry between the features can create a sense of unease or dissonance within the image. This can be achieved by exaggerating or distorting certain features to create an unbalanced or uneven appearance.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the concept of "harmony" in art and analyze each option.

"A. change the proportions of the facial features so they no longer worked together."
This option suggests altering the proportions of facial features, disrupting their natural relationship. By doing this, an artist can create a conflicting or disjointed image, making it visually unharmonious. This option aligns with the idea of creating disharmony.

"B. use a shading technique that would cause the highlights and shadows to blend seamlessly."
This option refers to a shading technique that results in smooth blending of highlights and shadows. Although this technique may affect the overall aesthetics or style, it doesn't necessarily create disharmony in the image. It does not align with the idea of creating disharmony.

"C. change all organic shapes to geometric shapes to create a cubist portrait."
This option involves transforming organic shapes (such as those found in nature) into geometric shapes, which is a key characteristic of the cubist art movement. While this choice may deviate from traditional artistic conventions, it doesn't inherently create disharmony. Instead, it represents a stylistic choice. It does not align with the idea of creating disharmony.

"D. use patterns of color in the background to emphasize light showing through the leaves."
This option suggests using patterns of color in the background to highlight the effect of light passing through leaves. While this choice may introduce an element of contrast or intensity, it doesn't inherently create disharmony. It represents an artistic intention to emphasize a particular subject matter or visual effect. It does not align with the idea of creating disharmony.

Considering the above analysis, the correct answer is A. Changing the proportions of the facial features so they no longer work together would create an image that is visually unharmonious.