an inference is ________

a conclusion based on observations evidence or reasoning
another word for the authors purpose
everything a word suggests or implies
the dicitionary definition of a word

a conclusion based on observations evidence or reasoning

An inference is a conclusion based on observations, evidence, or reasoning.

To find the answer to your question, it is helpful to break down the options and analyze them one by one:

1. "An inference is a conclusion based on observations, evidence, or reasoning": This option is correct. An inference is a conclusion that is drawn by using available evidence, observations, or logical reasoning. It involves making an educated guess or prediction based on the information present.

2. "Another word for the author's purpose": The term you are looking for here is "author's intent" or "authorial intent." This refers to the intention or objective that the author has in mind when creating a piece of writing.

3. "Everything a word suggests or implies": This option refers to the concept of connotation. A word's connotation refers to the associations, feelings, or ideas that are commonly connected to it, in addition to its literal or dictionary definition. It helps to convey the overall tone or attitude associated with a word.

4. "The dictionary definition of a word": This option is incorrect for this particular question. While a dictionary definition is the accepted meaning of a word, it is not the definition of an inference.