Pablo runs a small car washing business in his neighborhood on the weekends. This past weekend, Pablo earned $284. Prior to opening his car wash, he needed to stock up on soap, sponges, and towels which cost him $46. He also had his son help him with the car washing and paid him $25 for his help. What was Pablo's net income for this past weekend?

(1 point)
A. $284
B. $213
C. $259
D. $238

To find Pablo's net income, we need to subtract his expenses from his earnings.

First, we subtract the cost of supplies: $284 - $46 = $238

Then, we subtract the payment to his son: $238 - $25 = $213

Thus, Pablo's net income for this past weekend was $213, so the correct answer is B. $213

To calculate Pablo's net income for the past weekend, we need to subtract his expenses from his earnings.

First, we subtract the cost of the supplies:
$284 - $46 = $238

Then, we subtract the amount paid to his son:
$238 - $25 = $213

Therefore, Pablo's net income for this past weekend was $213.

The correct answer is B. $213.

To determine Pablo's net income for the weekend, we need to subtract his expenses from his earnings.

First, we subtract the cost of supplies from his total earnings:
$284 - $46 = $238

Next, we subtract the amount he paid his son:
$238 - $25 = $213

Therefore, Pablo's net income for this past weekend is $213.

The correct answer is B. $213.