Their going to the park for play.

They are going to the park to play.

To go to the park for play, you can follow these steps:

1. Make sure you have all the necessary items for a fun time at the park such as:
- Appropriate clothing for the weather (e.g., comfortable clothes, jacket, hat)
- Snacks and drinks if needed
- Sunscreen and insect repellent (if necessary)
- Sports equipment or games if you plan to engage in any specific activities

2. Check the park's opening hours and location to ensure it is accessible for your intended visit.

3. Plan your transportation to the park. Depending on your situation, you can consider:
- Walking or biking if the park is nearby
- Using public transportation if available
- Driving and finding parking if necessary (check for any parking fees or restrictions)

4. Coordinate with others who are joining you, whether it's friends, family, or a group. Make sure everyone is aware of the plan and the meeting point at the park.

5. Pack any essential items, such as a picnic blanket, toys for kids, or any other personal items you might need for a pleasant park visit.

6. Once you arrive at the park, find a suitable spot to relax or play, depending on your preferences. Explore the different areas and facilities available, such as playgrounds, sports fields, walking trails, or picnic areas.

7. Enjoy your time at the park by engaging in activities like:
- Playing sports, such as soccer, basketball, or frisbee
- Going for a leisurely walk or jog
- Having a picnic or barbecue
- Playing games like tag, hide and seek, or board games
- Taking photographs or simply enjoying the scenery

Remember to follow any park rules and respect other visitors. Have fun and make the most of your time at the park!

To answer the question, "Are they going to the park to play?" you would need more context or information about who "they" refers to. However, if you want to determine whether someone is going to the park, you can follow these steps:

1. Ask the people you are referring to if they are planning to go to the park.
2. Check any communication channels, such as text messages or social media posts, where they might have mentioned their plans.
3. If the people have a shared calendar or organizer, check if there is an entry indicating a trip to the park.
4. If none of the above methods provide an answer, you can observe their actions or inquire with others who may have information about their plans.

Remember, it is crucial to respect the privacy of others and obtain their consent before accessing their personal information or eavesdropping on private conversations.