Fill in the words for a meaningful sentence A blank is a relationship between two or more blank in ratio

A proportion is a relationship between two or more quantities in ratio.

Fill in the words for a meaningful sentence: A ratio is a relationship between two or more quantities in ratio.

Sure! To fill in the blanks and create a meaningful sentence, we need to understand the concept of ratio and the relationship it describes.

A ratio is a way of comparing or expressing the relationship between two or more quantities. It is typically written in the form of "a:b" or as a fraction "a/b." Ratios can be used to compare various things, such as the relationship of height to width, speed to distance, or the number of boys to the number of girls in a classroom.

Now, let's fill in the blanks in the sentence:

"A ratio is a relationship between two or more quantities in ratio."

The word "quantities" can be used to fill the first blank. Quantities refer to the things that are being compared or related in the ratio. For example, if we are comparing the number of apples to the number of oranges, the quantities would be "apples" and "oranges."

The word "ratio" can be used to fill the second blank. Since the sentence is explaining what a ratio is, it makes sense to state that the relationship is "in ratio."

So, the completed sentence is:

"A ratio is a relationship between two or more quantities in ratio."