How do cells become specialized?%(1 point) Mitosis creates genetically unique cells that can do different tasks. Mitosis creates genetically unique cells that can do different tasks. Mitosis creates specialized cells for different purposes. Mitosis creates specialized cells for different purposes. Genetically identical cells undergo differentiation to alter gene expression. Genetically identical cells undergo differentiation to alter gene expression.

4. Genetically identical cells undergo differentiation to make them genetically unique.

Genetically identical cells undergo differentiation to alter gene expression.

Cells become specialized through a process called differentiation. Genetically identical cells undergo differentiation to alter gene expression, which ultimately leads to the specialization of cells for different purposes.

Cells become specialized through a process called differentiation. During differentiation, genetically identical cells undergo changes in gene expression, which means certain genes are turned on or off in order to give the cell specific characteristics and functions. This allows cells to develop into different types of specialized cells that can perform specific tasks in the body.

To understand how this process works, scientists study the regulation of gene expression and cell signaling pathways. These pathways involve a series of molecular signals that trigger changes in gene expression and cell behavior. Differentiation can be influenced by internal factors, such as the cell's genetic makeup, as well as external factors, such as surrounding tissues and chemical signals from other cells.

To get more information about the specific mechanisms and processes involved in cell specialization, researchers use a variety of techniques. These include studying the expression of specific genes and proteins in different cell types, performing experiments to manipulate gene expression, and using advanced imaging techniques to visualize cellular structures and processes.

Overall, the process of cell specialization is complex and involves intricate molecular and cellular interactions. Scientists are continually studying and discovering more about how cells become specialized, further deepening our understanding of how multicellular organisms develop and function.