Which colonial group was formed first?

a) First Continental Congress

b) Committees of Correspondence

c) Stamp Act Congress

d) Olive Branch Committee

The correct answer is b) Committees of Correspondence. The Committees of Correspondence were formed in 1764 in response to the passing of the Sugar Act by the British Parliament. They were established to facilitate communication and coordination between the colonial governments in various American colonies. The First Continental Congress was formed in 1774, the Stamp Act Congress was formed in 1765, and the Olive Branch Committee was formed in 1775.

The correct answer is b) Committees of Correspondence. The Committees of Correspondence were formed in 1764 in the colonies of British North America. They were organized to share information and coordinate protests against British policies. The First Continental Congress was formed later in 1774, the Stamp Act Congress was formed in 1765, and the Olive Branch Committee was formed in 1775.

To find out which colonial group was formed first, we will need to gather information on the founding dates of each group and compare them. Here is how you can find the answer to your question:

1. First Continental Congress: This group was established in 1774. It consisted of delegates from 12 of the 13 British colonies in North America and played a significant role in unifying the colonies against British rule.

2. Committees of Correspondence: The Committees of Correspondence were established in 1764. They were a network of colonial organizations that communicated and coordinated efforts between the colonies in response to British policies.

3. Stamp Act Congress: The Stamp Act Congress was formed in 1765. It was a meeting of representatives from nine of the American colonies to voice their opposition to the Stamp Act and discuss coordinated actions against it.

4. Olive Branch Committee: This committee was established in 1775. It was formed by the Second Continental Congress and aimed to reconcile differences between the American colonies and the British government.

By comparing the founding dates, we can see that the Committees of Correspondence were formed first in 1764. Therefore, the correct answer is b) Committees of Correspondence.