The two motor neurons used to transmit signals from the cerebral cortex to skeletal muscles are the upper motor neurons and the lower motor neurons.

1. Upper Motor Neurons:
- Located in the primary motor cortex of the brain.
- Also known as corticospinal or pyramidal neurons.
- Responsible for planning and initiating voluntary movements.
- Transmit signals from the motor cortex down to the lower motor neurons in the spinal cord or brainstem.
- Coordinate and control complex movements.

2. Lower Motor Neurons:
- Located in the anterior horn of the spinal cord or cranial nerve nuclei in the brainstem.
- Also known as alpha motor neurons.
- Connect the spinal cord or brainstem to the skeletal muscles.
- Receive signals from the upper motor neurons and directly innervate the skeletal muscles.
- Responsible for executing the final movements, including muscle contraction and relaxation.
- Control voluntary movements and reflexes.

In summary, the upper motor neurons transmit signals from the cerebral cortex to the lower motor neurons, which in turn directly innervate the skeletal muscles, leading to the execution of voluntary movements.

The two motor neurons used to transmit signals from the cerebral cortex to skeletal muscles are called upper motor neurons (UMNs) and lower motor neurons (LMNs).

1. Upper Motor Neurons (UMNs): These neurons originate in the primary motor cortex of the cerebral cortex and transmit signals down to the lower motor neurons. Their main function is to control and modulate voluntary movements. They send signals through descending pathways in the spinal cord, brainstem, or both.

2. Lower Motor Neurons (LMNs): These neurons receive signals from the upper motor neurons and directly innervate skeletal muscles. They are located in the spinal cord and brainstem. When they receive signals from the UMNs, they relay these signals to the muscles, which leads to muscle contraction and movement. Lower motor neurons are responsible for the execution of voluntary movements and are the final pathway through which motor commands are sent to the muscles.

In summary, upper motor neurons transmit signals from the cerebral cortex to lower motor neurons, while lower motor neurons directly innervate skeletal muscles, resulting in voluntary muscle movement.

The two motor neurons used to transmit signals from the cerebral cortex to skeletal muscles are upper motor neurons and lower motor neurons.

1. Upper Motor Neurons: These neurons originate in the motor cortex of the brain and transmit signals down the spinal cord to connect with lower motor neurons. They are responsible for initiating and planning voluntary movements. The signals sent by upper motor neurons are essential for the coordination and execution of motor functions.

2. Lower Motor Neurons: These neurons are located in the spinal cord and brainstem. They receive signals from upper motor neurons and directly innervate the skeletal muscles, causing them to contract. Lower motor neurons are responsible for the final execution of movement and relay information from the upper motor neurons to the muscles.

To find this information, you can refer to a variety of reliable sources such as neuroscience textbooks or credible websites that provide information on the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. Books written by experts in the field or websites maintained by reputable educational institutions or medical organizations are good places to start. It is essential to consult multiple sources to ensure accuracy and cross-reference the information obtained.