An extrinsic control system is a system that regulates or controls a process or behavior from outside of the system. It involves the use of external stimuli or factors to influence or direct the system's actions.

In the field of neuroscience, extrinsic control systems refer to the mechanisms by which external signals or cues regulate the activity of neural circuits. For example, the release of neurotransmitters or hormones in response to certain stimuli can influence neural activity and behavior.

In the context of organizational behavior and management, extrinsic control systems refer to the use of external rewards, punishments, or incentives to motivate or control the behavior of individuals in a workplace setting. Examples include performance-based bonuses, promotions, or disciplinary actions.

Overall, extrinsic control systems involve external forces or factors that regulate or influence the functioning or behavior of a system.

Extrinsic control system refers to a regulatory mechanism in biology that is controlled by external factors or signals. This system helps to maintain homeostasis by responding to changes in the external environment. It involves the coordination of multiple organs, tissues, and cells to ensure the proper functioning of an organism.

In the context of physiology, an extrinsic control system typically involves the interaction between the nervous system and endocrine system. The nervous system sends signals through nerve impulses, while the endocrine system releases hormones into the bloodstream. These signals and hormones act on target cells or organs to initiate a response and restore balance.

For example, the regulation of blood glucose levels involves an extrinsic control system. When blood glucose levels rise after a meal, beta cells in the pancreas release insulin into the bloodstream. Insulin acts on target cells, primarily liver, muscle, and adipose tissue, to stimulate the uptake of glucose from the blood and promote its storage as glycogen or fat. This decreases blood glucose levels and helps maintain homeostasis.

In summary, an extrinsic control system is a regulatory mechanism that responds to external signals or factors to maintain balance and proper functioning in an organism. It often involves the coordination of the nervous system and endocrine system to initiate appropriate responses.

An extrinsic control system refers to a type of control system that operates externally to an object or process in order to regulate its behavior. It involves manipulating certain factors or variables from outside the system to achieve a desired outcome.

To understand more about an extrinsic control system, here's how you can find more information on it:

1. Start with a basic search: Begin by searching for "extrinsic control system" on a search engine like Google. This will provide you with an overview of the concept and some relevant sources.

2. Explore scientific literature: Look for scholarly articles, research papers, or books that discuss extrinsic control systems. Platforms like Google Scholar and academic databases such as IEEE Xplore or ScienceDirect can be useful for this purpose. Look for papers related to control systems, automation, or system engineering.

3. Review textbooks: Consult textbooks on control systems or automation to gain a comprehensive understanding of extrinsic control systems. Search for titles like "Control Systems Engineering" by Norman S. Nise or "Automatic Control Systems" by Benjamin C. Kuo.

4. Visit educational websites: Several educational websites and platforms offer resources on control systems. Websites like Khan Academy and MIT OpenCourseWare provide free course materials or lecture notes on related topics.

5. Engage with online communities: Join forums or online communities focused on control systems or engineering. Platforms like Reddit's r/ControlTheory can be a valuable source of discussions, experts, or resources related to extrinsic control systems. Engaging with experts and enthusiasts can help clarify any doubts and gain practical insights.

Remember, it's important to evaluate the sources you find to ensure they are credible and reliable. By combining information from various sources, you can develop a thorough understanding of extrinsic control systems.