Tally marks are completed in groups of _____ because they are quick to mark and easier to count. (1 point) Responses 2 2 3 3 5 5 10


Tally marks are completed in groups of 5 because they are quick to mark and easier to count.

To determine the number of tally marks completed in each group, we need to look at the given responses and identify a pattern. Tally marks are typically marked in groups of five. Let's analyze the responses provided:

Response 1: 2 tally marks
Response 2: 2 tally marks
Response 3: 3 tally marks
Response 4: 3 tally marks
Response 5: 5 tally marks
Response 6: 5 tally marks
Response 7: 10 tally marks

If we observe the pattern, we can see that the tally marks are being counted in groups of five, except for the last response where 10 tally marks are counted. So, the given tally marks are completed in groups of 5, and the last response has two groups of 5 marks.

Therefore, the answer is 5.