The number 0.875 is rational because

It is a decimal that repeats
It is a decimal that dose not repeat or terminate
It is a decimal that terminates
It is the square root of a non-perfect square

It is a decimal that terminates

The number 0.875 is rational because it can be expressed as a fraction of two integers. To determine if a number is rational, we need to check if it can be written as a fraction. In this case, 0.875 can be written as 7/8, where both 7 and 8 are integers. Therefore, the number 0.875 is rational.

The number 0.875 is rational because it can be expressed as a fraction. To determine this, we need to examine its decimal representation.

0.875 is a decimal that does not repeat or terminate. It continues forever without any repeating pattern. However, this characteristic does not automatically make a number irrational.

To confirm that 0.875 is rational, we need to show that it can be represented as a ratio of two integers. To do this, we take advantage of the fact that the decimal can be rewritten as a fraction by placing the digits after the decimal point over an appropriate power of 10.

In this case, we have the digits 875 after the decimal point. Since there are three digits, we can express 0.875 as 875/1000 (or 875 divided by 1000). Both the numerator (875) and the denominator (1000) are integers, so we have represented the decimal as a fraction.

Since 875/1000 can be further simplified by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their common factor (in this case 125), we can also express 0.875 as 7/8.

Therefore, 0.875 is rational because it can be written as a fraction (7/8).