The artist used which geometric shapes to produce this tapestry

Without more information or a visual reference, it is impossible to determine which geometric shapes were used to produce a specific tapestry. The shapes could vary widely depending on the design and style of the artwork.

To accurately identify the geometric shapes used in a specific tapestry, I would need more information or visual reference of the tapestry in question. However, common geometric shapes found in tapestries include triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, and occasionally more complex shapes such as rhombuses or hexagons.

To determine which geometric shapes were used to produce a tapestry, you can examine the design patterns on the tapestry itself. Look closely at the various elements and motifs present in the artwork.

Here's how you can go about it:

1. Visual Analysis: Observe the tapestry and identify recurring shapes or patterns. Pay attention to the outlines, borders, and forms that are repeated throughout the artwork.

2. Triangle: Check for the presence of triangles. Triangles are a common geometric shape used in art and design due to their stability and balance. Look for triangular patterns or arrangements of shapes.

3. Square or Rectangle: Look for squares or rectangles in the tapestry. These shapes are commonly used as starting points for many patterns and designs. They provide a sense of structure and order.

4. Circle or Oval: Check if there are any circular or oval shapes in the tapestry. These shapes are often used to represent unity, continuity, or cycles in art. Look for circular motifs or repetitive patterns that resemble circles.

5. Other Geometric Shapes: Additionally, be on the lookout for other geometric shapes such as hexagons, octagons, diamonds, or any other shape that may be incorporated into the tapestry.

Keep in mind that the specific geometric shapes used in a tapestry can vary based on the artist's style, cultural influences, and design motifs. By closely examining the tapestry and identifying these shapes, you will be able to gain a better understanding of the geometric elements used by the artist.