Which news stories have the most direct influence on the political process? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

effects of new laws
effects of new laws
stock market reports
stock market reports
reports of world events
reports of world events
coverage of primary speeches
coverage of primary speeches
discussions of health problems
discussions of health problems
investigations of corporations

effects of new laws

stock market reports
reports of world events
coverage of primary speeches
investigations of corporations

The news stories that have the most direct influence on the political process include:

- Effects of new laws
- Stock market reports
- Reports of world events
- Coverage of primary speeches
- Investigations of corporations

The news stories that have the most direct influence on the political process are the ones that provide information and analysis of events and issues that directly impact government policies and actions. Based on the options given, the following news stories have the most direct influence on the political process:

1. Effects of new laws: News stories that analyze and discuss the impact of newly passed laws on individuals, communities, and society as a whole can directly influence the political process. These stories can shed light on the effectiveness, consequences, and implications of new legislation and shape public opinion.

2. Stock market reports: While not solely focused on politics, stock market reports can provide valuable insights into the state of the economy and financial markets. Economic factors strongly influence political decisions, and news stories that cover the stock market can have a direct influence on policy-making related to economic issues.

3. Reports of world events: News stories that cover major international events impacting global politics, such as conflicts, humanitarian crises, diplomatic relations, or trade agreements, can directly influence the political process. These stories inform policy-makers and the public about the international landscape, shaping foreign policies and potentially affecting domestic decisions as well.

4. Coverage of primary speeches: During primary campaigns, political candidates give speeches to promote their platforms and influence voters. News coverage of these speeches can directly influence the political process by amplifying or analyzing candidates' messages, exposing their positions and policy proposals to a wide audience, and potentially swaying public opinion.

5. Investigations of corporations: News stories that investigate corporate behavior, uncovering wrongdoing or exposing unethical practices, can have a direct influence on the political process. These stories often create public outrage and pressure for regulatory or legislative action, leading to potential reforms or new laws to hold corporations accountable.

In summary, the news stories that have the most direct influence on the political process are those that analyze the effects of new laws, cover stock market reports, report world events, cover primary speeches, and investigate corporations.