Nate multiplied 4x989 which is a reasonable estimate 4x900 =3600 5x1000 =5000 4x1000=4000 5x900=4500

A reasonable estimate for 4x989 would be between 3600 and 5000.

To estimate the product of 4 multiplied by 989, let's break it down step-by-step using your reasonable estimates:

Step 1: Estimate 4 multiplied by 900
4 x 900 = 3600

Step 2: Estimate 4 multiplied by 1000
4 x 1000 = 4000

Step 3: Estimate 5 multiplied by 900
5 x 900 = 4500

Step 4: Estimate 5 multiplied by 1000
5 x 1000 = 5000

Using these estimates, we can determine that the product of 4 multiplied by 989 should be between 3600 and 4000.

To estimate the product of 4x989, you can round the numbers to the nearest hundreds or thousands and perform the calculation. Let's break down the steps:

1. Round 989 to the nearest hundreds or thousands.
- Rounding 989 to the nearest hundreds gives us 900.
- Rounding 989 to the nearest thousands gives us 1000.

2. Multiply 4 by the rounded number.
- For 4x900, the product is 3600.
- For 4x1000, the product is 4000.

3. Compare the two products to get a reasonable estimate.
- 3600 is lower than 4x989, so it is a conservative estimate.
- 4000 is higher than 4x989, so it is a liberal estimate.

Therefore, a reasonable estimate for 4x989 is between 3600 and 4000. In this case, your estimate of 3600 is more accurate since it is closer to the actual product.