Make a list of the distances from each planet to the sun, written in scientific notation.

If there is a shortest and longest distance, use the average distance from the sun.

Mercury: 57.91 million kilometers (average distance)

Venus: 108.21 million kilometers (average distance)
Earth: 149.60 million kilometers (average distance)
Mars: 227.92 million kilometers (average distance)
Jupiter: 778.57 million kilometers (average distance)
Saturn: 1.43 billion kilometers (average distance)
Uranus: 2.87 billion kilometers (average distance)
Neptune: 4.49 billion kilometers (average distance)

Please note that the distances stated above are average distances as indicated in the question.

Below is a list of the average distances from each planet to the sun, written in scientific notation.

- Mercury: 5.79 x 10^7 km
- Venus: 1.08 x 10^8 km
- Earth: 1.50 x 10^8 km
- Mars: 2.28 x 10^8 km
- Jupiter: 7.78 x 10^8 km
- Saturn: 1.43 x 10^9 km
- Uranus: 2.88 x 10^9 km
- Neptune: 4.50 x 10^9 km

Please note that these distances are average values, as the planets' distances from the sun can vary due to their elliptical orbits.

To create a list of the distances from each planet to the sun in scientific notation, we can refer to the average distances known as the "semi-major axis" for each planet. Here are the average distances of the planets from the sun:

1. Mercury: Semi-major axis ≈ 57.9 million kilometers (km)
2. Venus: Semi-major axis ≈ 108.2 million km
3. Earth: Semi-major axis ≈ 149.6 million km
4. Mars: Semi-major axis ≈ 227.9 million km
5. Jupiter: Semi-major axis ≈ 778.3 million km
6. Saturn: Semi-major axis ≈ 1.43 billion km
7. Uranus: Semi-major axis ≈ 2.88 billion km
8. Neptune: Semi-major axis ≈ 4.50 billion km

Now, let's convert these average distances to scientific notation:

1. Mercury: 5.79 x 10^7 km
2. Venus: 1.08 x 10^8 km
3. Earth: 1.50 x 10^8 km
4. Mars: 2.28 x 10^8 km
5. Jupiter: 7.78 x 10^8 km
6. Saturn: 1.43 x 10^9 km
7. Uranus: 2.88 x 10^9 km
8. Neptune: 4.50 x 10^9 km

Note that these values are the average distances, not the shortest or longest distances, as those can vary due to the elliptical orbits of the planets.