Which early south east Asian civilization built the Ankor Wat temple


The Khmer civilization built the Angkor Wat temple.

The early Southeast Asian civilization that built the Angkor Wat temple is the Khmer civilization.

The early Southeast Asian civilization that built the Angkor Wat temple is the Khmer civilization.

To find this answer, you can use several methods:

1. Perform an online search: You can search for "Angkor Wat temple builders" and find reliable sources that confirm the Khmer civilization as the builders of the temple. Make sure to check the credibility and reliability of the sources you find.

2. Consult historical books or academic resources: Look for books or academic papers that specifically discuss the construction and history of the Angkor Wat temple. These resources often provide detailed information about the builders and the civilization involved.

3. Visit a library or museum: Libraries or museums dedicated to Southeast Asian history can provide you with access to books, journals, or exhibits that focus on the Angkor Wat temple and its builders. Look for information from reputable sources.

4. Consult a historian or archaeologist: Experts in the field can provide authoritative answers about the builders of the Angkor Wat temple. Reach out to professionals who specialize in Southeast Asian history or archaeology for accurate information.

Remember, it is always important to verify information from diverse and reliable sources to ensure accuracy.