After Adam mocks his teacher, Professor White embarrasses him in front of the class: ​'Well, Mr. Johnson, since you seem to be an expert, why don’t you teach the course today?' Professor White asks, knowing Adam is unprepared" (Partridge 99).

This quote showcases a situation where Adam, the student, mocks his teacher, Professor White. In response, Professor White takes the opportunity to embarrass Adam in front of the entire class. Professor White sarcastically suggests that Adam should teach the course since he seems to know everything, clearly aware that Adam is not prepared for such a task.

1. Adam mocks his teacher.

2. Professor White responds by embarrassing him in front of the class.
3. Professor White challenges Adam to teach the course for the day.
4. Professor White knows that Adam is unprepared for this task.

In this scenario, Adam mocks his teacher, Professor White. As a result, Professor White decides to embarrass him in front of the class by putting him on the spot and asking him to teach the course for the day. The quote you provided suggests that Professor White is fully aware that Adam is unprepared and does not have the expertise required to teach the course.

The quote you shared is a piece of dialogue from the text, indicating what Professor White says to Adam in response to his mocking behavior. It is important to note that this quote is from Partridge, which may be a reference to a specific book or author. Without further context, it's challenging to provide a more detailed analysis or explanation.