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What makes Uranus unique as a planet?(1 point)

It rotates sideways due to the extreme tilt of its axis.
It rotates sideways due to the extreme tilt of its axis.

It spins in the opposite direction as the Earth.
It spins in the opposite direction as the Earth.

It has the slowest rotation period of any planet.
It has the slowest rotation period of any planet.

It has no day and night cycle.
It has no day and night cycle.
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All of the above options make Uranus unique as a planet.

Uranus is unique as a planet due to various factors. Some of these include:

1. It rotates sideways due to the extreme tilt of its axis.
2. It spins in the opposite direction as the Earth.
3. It has the slowest rotation period of any planet.
4. It has no day and night cycle.

These characteristics make Uranus stand out among the other planets in our solar system.

To understand what makes Uranus unique as a planet, you can use the information provided in the answer choices.

First, it states that Uranus rotates sideways due to the extreme tilt of its axis. This means that unlike most other planets, Uranus has an axis of rotation that is tilted at a significantly larger angle relative to its orbital plane around the Sun. As a result, as Uranus rotates, it appears to be rotating on its side.

Next, it mentions that Uranus spins in the opposite direction as the Earth. Most planets, including Earth, rotate in a counterclockwise direction when viewed from above the North Pole. However, Uranus rotates in the opposite direction, meaning it spins clockwise when viewed from above its North Pole.

Furthermore, it states that Uranus has the slowest rotation period of any planet. The rotation period refers to the time it takes for a planet to complete one full rotation on its axis. Uranus has a rotation period of about 17 hours and 15 minutes, which is significantly longer than Earth's rotation period of approximately 24 hours.

Lastly, it mentions that Uranus has no day and night cycle. This is because Uranus has a unique axial tilt and orbital characteristics, resulting in long periods of sunlight or darkness at different times of its year. At certain points in Uranus' orbit, one pole can be in constant sunlight while the other experiences continuous darkness.

From these statements, we can conclude that what makes Uranus unique as a planet are its extreme tilt of the axis, its opposite rotation direction compared to Earth, its slow rotation period, and the absence of a regular day and night cycle.