Complete the sentence so it makes sense.

the negative form of おかねお だしに いきます in hiragana is

おかね を だし に いきません。

おかねを ださに いきます (お金を出さに行きます)

お金を出しに行きません (okane o dashi ni ikimasen).

To form the negative form of a sentence in Japanese, you usually change the verb ending from "ます" (masu) to "ません" (masen). In this case, the verb is "行きます" (ikimasu), which means "to go." To change it to the negative form, you replace "ます" (masu) with "ません" (masen), resulting in "行きません" (ikimasen). However, since the original sentence contains お金を出しに行きます (okane o dashi ni ikimasu), meaning "I go to spend money," the negative form would be お金を出しに行きません (okane o dashi ni ikimasen), meaning "I don't go to spend money."