The x-axis represents a student's age in years and the y-axis represents the number of times the student cried each month on average.

Which of these vocabulary words can be used to describe the data represented in the scatterplot? Choose all that apply.

(3 points)




Positive trend
Positive trend



Linear trend
Linear trend

Bivariate, Positive trend, Proportional, Linear trend

The vocabulary words that can be used to describe the data represented in the scatterplot are:

1. Bivariate - The data involves two variables, age and the number of times the student cried each month.

2. Positive trend - There is a positive association between age and the number of times the student cried each month. As age increases, the number of times the student cried also tends to increase.

3. Proportional - There is a proportional relationship between age and the number of times the student cried each month.

To analyze the data represented in the scatterplot, we can evaluate each option:

1. Univariate: This term refers to data that involves a single variable. In this case, we have data on the number of times a student cried each month, which represents a single variable. So, the data in the scatterplot can be described as univariate.

2. Increasing: This term indicates that there is a gradual increase in the values as the x-axis increases. From the given information, we do not have any specific information about the pattern of increase or decrease in the number of times a student cried each month. Therefore, we cannot describe the data as increasing.

3. Bivariate: This term means that there are two variables involved and their relationship is represented in the scatterplot. In this case, the x-axis represents a student's age, and the y-axis represents the number of times the student cried each month. Since we have two variables, the data in the scatterplot can be described as bivariate.

4. Positive trend: This term indicates that there is a positive relationship between the two variables, meaning that as one variable increases, the other variable also increases. From the given information, we do not have any specific information about the relationship between a student's age and the number of times they cried each month. Therefore, we cannot describe the data as having a positive trend.

5. Proportional: This term suggests that there is a consistent relationship between the two variables in the scatterplot, such as one variable being a constant multiple of the other. From the given information, we do not have any specific information about the relationship between a student's age and the number of times they cried each month. Therefore, we cannot describe the data as proportional.

6. Decreasing: This term indicates that there is a gradual decrease in the values as the x-axis increases. From the given information, we do not have any specific information about the pattern of increase or decrease in the number of times a student cried each month. Therefore, we cannot describe the data as decreasing.

7. Linear trend: This term suggests that there is a linear relationship between the two variables in the scatterplot, meaning that the data points roughly form a straight line on the plot. From the given information, we do not have any specific information about the relationship between a student's age and the number of times they cried each month. Therefore, we cannot describe the data as having a linear trend.

Based on the given information, the vocabulary word that can be used to describe the data represented in the scatterplot is "bivariate."