Ivan designed a vegetarian pizza. The table shows what is needed to make `2` pizzas. What is needed to make `6` pizzas?

To find out what is needed to make 6 pizzas, we need to consider the requirements for making 2 pizzas and scale them up accordingly.

Looking at the table, let's list down the quantities needed to make 2 pizzas:

- 6 cups of flour
- 3 cups of water
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 1 teaspoon of yeast
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 2 cups of tomato sauce
- 2 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese
- 2 cups of chopped vegetables (e.g., mushrooms, bell peppers, onions, etc.)

Now, to determine the quantities needed for 6 pizzas, we multiply each quantity by 3 because we are scaling it up from 2 pizzas to 6 pizzas:

- 6 cups of flour x 3 = 18 cups of flour
- 3 cups of water x 3 = 9 cups of water
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil x 3 = 6 tablespoons of olive oil
- 1 teaspoon of yeast x 3 = 3 teaspoons of yeast
- 1 teaspoon of salt x 3 = 3 teaspoons of salt
- 2 cups of tomato sauce x 3 = 6 cups of tomato sauce
- 2 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese x 3 = 6 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese
- 2 cups of chopped vegetables x 3 = 6 cups of chopped vegetables

Therefore, to make 6 pizzas, we would need:
- 18 cups of flour
- 9 cups of water
- 6 tablespoons of olive oil
- 3 teaspoons of yeast
- 3 teaspoons of salt
- 6 cups of tomato sauce
- 6 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese
- 6 cups of chopped vegetables

To find out what is needed to make 6 pizzas, we can scale up the quantities from making 2 pizzas.

According to the table, for 2 pizzas, the ingredients needed are as follows:

- Flour: 250 grams
- Yeast: 5 grams
- Salt: 5 grams
- Water: 150 milliliters
- Olive oil: 10 milliliters
- Tomato sauce: 200 grams
- Mozzarella cheese: 200 grams
- Bell peppers: 100 grams
- Mushrooms: 100 grams
- Onion: 50 grams
- Olives: 50 grams

To find the quantities needed for 6 pizzas, we can multiply all the quantities by 3 (since 6 is three times more than 2 pizzas).

So, the ingredients needed to make 6 pizzas are:

- Flour: 250 grams * 3 = 750 grams
- Yeast: 5 grams * 3 = 15 grams
- Salt: 5 grams * 3 = 15 grams
- Water: 150 milliliters * 3 = 450 milliliters
- Olive oil: 10 milliliters * 3 = 30 milliliters
- Tomato sauce: 200 grams * 3 = 600 grams
- Mozzarella cheese: 200 grams * 3 = 600 grams
- Bell peppers: 100 grams * 3 = 300 grams
- Mushrooms: 100 grams * 3 = 300 grams
- Onion: 50 grams * 3 = 150 grams
- Olives: 50 grams * 3 = 150 grams

Therefore, to make 6 pizzas, you would need the quantities mentioned above.

To find out what is needed to make 6 pizzas, we can use the concept of proportionality. Since the table provides information for making 2 pizzas, we can assume that the ingredients required are directly proportional to the number of pizzas being made.

Let's break down the table to understand the proportionality:

Ingredient | Quantity for 2 Pizzas
Flour | 300 grams
Tomato Sauce | 200 grams
Mozzarella | 200 grams
Olives | 100 grams
Onions | 100 grams
Mushrooms | 150 grams


If we double the number of pizzas from 2 to 4, we would need to double the quantity of each ingredient. Therefore, to find out what is needed to make 4 pizzas, we can simply multiply the quantity by 2 for each ingredient:

Ingredient | Quantity for 4 Pizzas
Flour | 600 grams (300 grams * 2)
Tomato Sauce | 400 grams (200 grams * 2)
Mozzarella | 400 grams (200 grams * 2)
Olives | 200 grams (100 grams * 2)
Onions | 200 grams (100 grams * 2)
Mushrooms | 300 grams (150 grams * 2)


To find out what is needed to make 6 pizzas, we can apply the same logic and multiply the quantity by 3 for each ingredient:

Ingredient | Quantity for 6 Pizzas
Flour | 900 grams (300 grams * 3)
Tomato Sauce | 600 grams (200 grams * 3)
Mozzarella | 600 grams (200 grams * 3)
Olives | 300 grams (100 grams * 3)
Onions | 300 grams (100 grams * 3)
Mushrooms | 450 grams (150 grams * 3)


Therefore, to make 6 pizzas, you will need:

- 900 grams of flour
- 600 grams of tomato sauce
- 600 grams of mozzarella
- 300 grams of olives
- 300 grams of onions
- 450 grams of mushrooms