what is a group that control locals by trading favors

A group that controls locals by trading favors is often referred to as a patronage network or a political machine. These organizations form alliances and establish networks of individuals who support each other in exchange for political or personal favors.

A group that controls locals by trading favors is commonly known as a "mafia" or "organized crime group." These groups often operate by providing various services or goods to locals in exchange for their loyalty or cooperation. The favors exchanged can include protection, financial assistance, illegal activities, or other forms of assistance.

The term you are looking for is a "network of patronage" or a "patronage system." This system involves a group of individuals who gain and maintain power by trading favors, such as political support, resources, or protection, with locals.

To further understand this concept, you can explore the following steps:

1. Research: Start by looking up "patronage system" or "network of patronage" to get a broader understanding of its definition and historical examples.

2. Society or Government Structure: Identify a specific society or government system where this kind of patronage system is prevalent. Examples include political parties, organized crime networks, or even informal social circles.

3. Exchange of Favors: Study how the group uses the exchange of favors to control locals. This could involve providing jobs, social benefits, protection, or influence over local decision-making processes in return for loyalty, support, or compliance.

4. Historical and Contemporary Examples: Explore real-world examples of networks of patronage. Look into historical events or current situations where such systems have played a significant role. Examples include political dynasties, organized crime families, or even corrupt bureaucracies.

By following these steps, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of how a group can control locals through the trading of favors in a network of patronage.